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Garda Promotions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 22 October 2020

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Questions (157)

Bernard Durkan


157. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice the number of Garda promotional posts awaiting to be filled at present; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32228/20]

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I have sought the relevant information from An Garda Síochána and will revert to the Deputy when it is available.

The following deferred reply was received under Standing Order 51
I refer to Parliamentary Question Number 157 for answer on 22 October 2020, in which you requested the number of Garda promotional posts awaiting to be filled at present. You will recall that the information could not be obtained in the time available and Minister McEntee undertook to consult with An Garda Síochána and contact you again when the information was available.
As you will be aware, the Garda Commissioner is responsible by law for the management of An Garda Síochána, including personnel matters and deployment of resources. As Minister, I have no direct role in these matters.
I am informed by the Garda authorities that the below table sets out the full strength at each rank in the Garda organisation, as agreed under the Employment Control Framework (ECF), and the current strengths in each rank as at end May 2021.



Current Strengths




Deputy Commissioner



Assistant Commissioner



Chief Superintendent












I am assured that the Garda Commissioner keeps under review the need to fill vacancies as operationally required. I am informed that competitions are held for promotional ranks as required in anticipation of vacancies which naturally arise as a consequence of departures due to promotions or retirements in those ranks.
That promotion competitions for the ranks of Superintendent, Chief Superintendent and Assistant Commissioner are a matter for the Policing Authority. I am advised by Garda authorities that there will be a competition, to be facilitated on behalf of An Garda Síochána by the Public Appointments Service (PAS), during 2021 for promotion to the rank of Sergeant, and for promotion to the rank of Inspector to meet the ECF, including consequential promotions at the higher ranks and retirements (age-related and other). I am informed that the vacancies above are based on the current vacancies and do not include consequential vacancies that may arise from promotion at higher ranks.
In relation to Garda Staff, An Garda Síochána are continuing to recruit and promote based on sanctioned posts and vacancies created through departures and reassignment of Garda Members to operational frontline policing. These posts are being filled in accordance with Department of Public Expenditure and Reform sequencing requirements.
I trust this information is of assistance.