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EU Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 January 2021

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Questions (397)

Denis Naughten


397. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the steps that are being taken at EU level to improve engagement with like-minded member states on EU Commission files and to clearly reflect Irelands concerns on such files at an earlier stage in the legislative process particularly in a post-Brexit era; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1414/21]

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Now that the UK has departed the European Union, it is particularly important that Ireland continues to foster its already close relationships with other like-minded Member States, and to enhance collaboration on key priority policies at EU level. Ministers and officials at home and in our European Missions, including staff posted to the Permanent Representation in Brussels, closely monitor files and policy proposals as they progress through Council of the EU Working Groups, raising Irish priorities and concerns and identifying likely shared concerns and leading dialogue with like-minded Member States throughout the legislative process. The objective is to ensure that EU legislation and policy reflects Irish interests as far as possible.

Ireland works closely with like-minded Member States, as appropriate, across a range of different areas including climate action, the Single Market, digital policy, Rule of Law, EU budgetary issues, trade policy, development and human rights matters. Post-Brexit, Ireland is actively building alliances across the EU with like-minded Member States with which we share common goals and interests.

The Government has already initiated a France Strategy and a Germany Strategy aimed at deepening our bilateral relations with those key EU partners and in the coming months I intend to seek approval for a Nordic Strategy which will set out an ambitious plan for closer relations and engagement with this important and dynamic region which includes three of our closest allies in the European Union.

The Government is committed to maintaining a diplomatic Mission in every EU Member State which is an important resource to enable Ireland to work closely and build alliances with like-minded partners on EU policy development.
