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Office of Public Works

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Questions (236)

Gary Gannon


236. Deputy Gary Gannon asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform further to Parliamentary Question No. 79 of 25 February 2021, if the OPW will consider putting in place portable toilets in the park and ensure that all restroom facilities within the park are open and available to visitors to the park. [12157/21]

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Restroom facilities are open seven days a week at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, the Tea Rooms close to Dublin Zoo and also at Farmleigh Estate during the normal opening hours at these locations. OPW is aware that many locations throughout Dublin have closed their restroom facilities in light of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the Office of Public Works has implemented strict cleaning regimes to ensure compliance with Covid-19 guidelines and has kept toilet facilities open. These facilities continue to cope with current visitor numbers although queues will develop occasionally on very busy days.

There are no plans to install temporary facilities throughout the Park as these may be subject to vandalism and it would be difficult to maintain them to an appropriate hygiene standard. Further it is not possible to install permanent facilities at multiple sites in the Park due to limited waste water system across the Park. Therefore, permanent facilities are located where appropriate infrastructure already exists.

OPW has carried out minor upgrade works to the toilets located at the Tea Kiosk in late 2020. Upgrade works to the public facilities at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre are planned for this year.
