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White Paper on Defence

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Questions (390)

Duncan Smith


390. Deputy Duncan Smith asked the Minister for Defence the number of the 82 projects listed in the 2015 White Paper on Defence that are completed; and the number deferred until the Commission on the Defence Forces reports. [12095/21]

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The White Paper on Defence sets the defence policy agenda over a ten year planning horizon and covers all aspects of defence within overall security policy. Since publication of the White Paper, a total of 95 separate projects have been identified for completion over a ten-year period. To provide flexibility, projects may be sub-divided or merged, changing the top-line number. Project and Programme Management Governance arrangements were put in place to monitor the ongoing status of individual projects and to review the scope of projects within the programme.

Following on from the White Paper Update 2019 and the Government’s High Level Plan to implement the Report of the Public Service Pay Commission, senior civil and military management have concluded a review of the projects which has resulted in reprioritisation of certain projects. This takes account of work that is progressing across the organisation which has been contributing to implementation of the White Paper. Of the initial 95 projects, 63 projects have either been initiated through the project management methodology (44), or have already been absorbed into the day-to-day work of the Defence Organisation or have been superseded by events (19). 27 projects are now formally completed and closed with a number of others due to close shortly. Taking account of the specific matters provided for in its terms of reference, 14 projects have been deferred until the Commission on the Defence Forces reports. The Commission is due to report by year-end.
