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Agriculture Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 20 May 2021

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Questions (56)

Denis Naughten


56. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the steps he is taking to allow flexibility in the implementation of the BEAM 5% nitrogen reduction criteria; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26492/21]

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The objective of the Beef Exceptional Aid Measure (BEAM) was to provide temporary exceptional adjustment aid to farmers in the beef sector in Ireland subject to the conditions set out in EU Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1132.

Just over 33,000 participants joined the scheme and, in doing so, gave a commitment to reduce the production of bovine livestock manure nitrogen on the holding by 5% for the period 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021 as compared with the reference period 1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019 as recorded on the Department's AIM system.

In light of the difficulties some farmers were experiencing in meeting this reduction arising from COVID-19 Government Public Health restrictions, I sought approval from the EU Commission in January 2021 to bring in an alternative reduction period for those who require it. In that context, since 19th March 2021, BEAM participants can (using select the alternative reduction period of 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2021 over which to meet their 5% reduction.

This facility remains opens until 21st June 2021 and to date, some 5,341 BEAM participants have opted for the deferred reduction period. Farmers who opt to defer but then turn out to deliver the 5% reduction in the original reduction period (up to end June 2021) will exit the scheme as of 30th June having met the requirements.

Farmers who have experienced a restriction due to an outbreak of TB on their holding during the reduction period have had their reduction target reduced in line with the length of their restriction. Farmers who have recorded multiple restrictions in the period will have all their restricted days taken into account and anyone who is currently restricted will see their target figures reduce over the duration of that restriction. Letters explaining this process issued in recent weeks to some 2,000 farmers who fell into this category and as new restrictions are registered further letters will issue to the farmers concerned.

The Department continues to provide a monthly update to all BEAM participants with the bovine figures up to 1st April 2021 now available on The monthly letter containing these bovine numbers has issued to BEAM participants this week and a letter detailing the situation on participant holdings up to 1st May will issue in early June, this letter will be important to those farmers who need to know whether to apply for the deferred reduction period.
