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Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Written Answers Nos. 114-127

Driver Test

Questions (114)

Michael Lowry


114. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Transport if additional measures will be implemented as a matter of urgency to deal with the major backlog in applicants awaiting theory tests; if he will take into account that the majority of non-essential businesses and services have reopened since 17 May 2021; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27753/21]

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Written answers

The Driver Theory Test is considered a non-essential service and remains closed for now. The Department understands the frustration at this decision. These restrictions imposed by the Government based on the advice of NPHET and their panel of scientific experts, are in place to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on this country and its people.

Officials both in this Department and in the Road Safety Authority are keeping the public health situation under constant review and are working extremely hard to ensure that Theory Tests can resume as soon as it is safe to do so.

Because the service was closed for long periods of time over the last year, a large backlog of customers has built up. To deal with the backlog, the RSA have plans to increase capacity when it is allowed to re-open. This additional capacity will see the number of tests increase from an average pre Covid19 output of 15,000 tests per month up to 50,000 per month. This will help significantly to tackle the backlog.

The RSA is working to deliver an online driver theory test service. A pilot online driver theory test is underway for trucks and buses. This will be extended to car drivers shortly, initially with up to 3,200 online tests being conducted per month. Significant operational, technical and contractual issues have to be addressed prior to further expansion. This takes time to put in place, but I can assure you, the RSA are working extremely hard to expand the online service as quickly as possible. Online services will be made more widely available towards the end of 2021.

Road Safety

Questions (115)

Catherine Murphy


115. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Transport the status of the work carried out to date in respect of reducing speed limits within and surrounding residential housing estates (details supplied); the amount of funding in respect of 30km per hour speed limits his Department has provided since 2015 to date in 2021; and the breakdown of housing estates in County Kildare that have erected funded signage in their locality. [27771/21]

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The improvement and maintenance of regional and local roads is the statutory responsibility of each local authority, in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of the Roads Act 1993. Works on those roads are funded from local authorities' own resources supplemented by State road grants, where applicable. In the case of the Dublin local authorities, these authorities largely self-finance their regional and local road maintenance and renewal grant programmes, 30 km/h and slow zone signs have been provided in 7,321 housing estates between 2015 and 2020 in local authority areas funded under my Department's the Regional and Local Road Grant Programme at a cost of €5,623,840. Funding of €817,125 has been allocated by the Department for the installation of 30 km/h and slow zone signage in 2021.

With respect to Kildare County Council, funding of €26,604 was paid to the local authority over the period 2015 to 2020 regarding the installation of speed limit signage and €344,025 has been allocated to the Council this year. My Department does not have details of the individual housing estates in County Kildare where signage has been erected or is being installed this year but this information should be available from the Council.

Road Safety

Questions (116)

Catherine Murphy


116. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Transport his plans to review further the impact that lower speed limits can have as part of a national roads policy in the context of carbon emissions and climate targets. [27772/21]

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The Programme for Government contains a commitment to review and reduce speed limits, where appropriate, to address both road safety issues and carbon emissions, and ensure greater compliance.

The science is unequivocal; we must urgently deliver ambitious and effective emission reduction measures to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and ultimately stabilise global temperatures. In Ireland, we are embedding our commitment to tackling climate change into our national legislation. When adopted, the Climate Action Bill 2021 will mandate carbon budgets for the Irish economy as a whole and will set binding sectoral carbon ceilings—thus ensuring continual long-term planning towards the realisation of Ireland’s 2050 net-zero emission vision. The Climate Action Bill will also legislate for annual Climate Action Plans and Long-Term Climate Action Strategies. These plans will set out a credible pathway to achieving on our Programme for Government commitment to an average 7% per annum reduction in emissions from 2021 to 2030, and to delivering a zero-carbon society by 2050.

Development of Climate Action Plan 2021 is currently underway and at circa 20% of national emissions there can be no doubt that the transport sector must significantly contribute to the national decarbonisation objective and half its emissions by 2030 in line with Programme for Government commitments. We need to take emissions out the movement of people and goods, while still recognising that our transport systems are pivotal in the development of sustainable communities and cities. To achieve this, all potential mitigation measures, including the role of speed limits, are under review. It is expected that Climate Action Plan 2021 will be published later this summer with a detailed breakdown of planned transport mitigation measures and corresponding actions. Thereafter, to ensure transparency and accountability all sectors will report on their climate action progress quarterly.

Driver Test

Questions (117)

Thomas Pringle


117. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Transport if there is a date set for the resumption of driver theory tests; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27780/21]

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Written answers

The Driver Theory Test is considered a non-essential service and remains closed for now. The Department understands the frustration at this decision, however, these restrictions imposed by the Government based on the advice of NPHET and their panel of scientific experts, are in place to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on this country and its people.

Officials both in this Department and in the Road Safety Authority are keeping the public health situation under constant review and are working extremely hard to ensure that Theory Tests can resume as soon as it is safe to do so.

Driver Licences

Questions (118)

Louise O'Reilly


118. Deputy Louise O'Reilly asked the Minister for Transport the facilities that exist for driver licence renewal for persons that do not have the capabilities or facilities to renew online; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27800/21]

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Since Monday 17 May, all National Driver Licence Service (NDLS) centres are open to all customers. Due to continuing public health measures in place, walk-in appointments are not available. An appointment to attend at a NDLS centre must be made through

Postal applications are available to all applicants aged 70 years or over. The NDLS will issue an information pack to those customers.

Question No. 119 answered with Question No. 95.
Question No. 120 answered with Question No. 95.

Bus Services

Questions (121, 122, 134)

Pat Buckley


121. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the rationale for the disparity between the fares charged to Bus Éireann passengers and Dublin Bus passengers, when taking into account journeys of the exact same distance. [27814/21]

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Pat Buckley


122. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the reason that the National Transport Authority has failed to use a radius method for the selection of fares that are being offered within Cork county instead of the chosen routes which would supply equality of access to fares and encourage greater use of public transport post-pandemic. [27815/21]

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Pat Buckley


134. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the status of the roll-out of the Leap card on the Cork to Mallow rail service. [27828/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 121, 122 and 134 together.

As Minister for Transport, I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport. The National Transport Authority (NTA) has statutory responsibility for the regulation of fares in relation to public passenger transport services.

I have, therefore, referred the Deputy's question to the NTA for direct reply. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51
Question No. 122 answered with Question No. 121.

Bus Services

Questions (123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130)

Pat Buckley


123. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the status of the next stop audio project that the National Transport Authority undertook to deliver as part of the findings of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Transport report on the Accessibility of Public Transport Services for People with Disabilities which has yet to be delivered across Bus Éireann services. [27816/21]

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Pat Buckley


124. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the reason the National Transport Authority is instructing Bus Éireann to operate its new low floor coaches on specific routes, while not operating them in cases in which there is a known requirement. [27817/21]

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Pat Buckley


125. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport if the National Transport Authority has engaged with the groups that represent mobility impaired persons that require the use of a wheelchair to ensure that the fleet being purchased is fit for purpose and not just compliant with international standards which have not kept pace with the development of powered wheelchairs. [27818/21]

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Pat Buckley


126. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport if the National Transport Authority has engaged with a committee (details supplied) to avail of its unique knowledge regarding the needs of disabled customers across the public transport network. [27819/21]

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Pat Buckley


128. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the percentage of drivers and supervisors that have been trained in the use of wheelchair lifts on high-sided coaches as classified by the National Transport Authority. [27821/21]

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Pat Buckley


129. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport if he has engaged with the National Transport Authority with regard to its funding of a transport training centre for the disabled community by an organisation (details supplied). [27822/21]

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Pat Buckley


130. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport if an assurance will be given that a person who may have declared a conflict of interest will remove themselves from discussions for funding for the planned transport training centre for the disabled community. [27823/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 123 to 126, inclusive, and 128 to 130, inclusive, together.

As Minister for Transport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport.

Under the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008, the National Transport Authority (NTA) has statutory responsibility for promoting the development of an integrated, accessible public transport network.

In light of the NTA's responsibilities in this matter, I have forwarded your questions to the NTA for direct reply to you. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a response within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51
Question No. 124 answered with Question No. 123.
Question No. 125 answered with Question No. 123.
Question No. 126 answered with Question No. 123.

Bus Services

Questions (127, 131, 132)

Pat Buckley


127. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the percentage of bus stops nationwide that are wheelchair accessible. [27820/21]

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Pat Buckley


131. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the costs incurred by the National Transport Authority as a result of respraying Bus Éireann liveried buses and coaches to their own livery; and the breakdown for same in each of the years 2018 to 2020 and to date in 2021. [27824/21]

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Pat Buckley


132. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Transport the engagement the National Transport Authority had with local authorities nationwide with regard to Part 8 redevelopments of towns and villages in order to ensure that wheelchair accessible bus stops are included in the design process. [27825/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 127, 131 and 132 together.

As Minister for Transport, I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport. The National Transport Authority (NTA) has statutory responsibility for the planning and development of public transport infrastructure, including the provision of the national PSO bus fleet, bus stops and shelters.

Noting the NTA's responsibility in the matter, I have referred the Deputy's question to the NTA for a direct reply. Please contact my private office if you do not receive a reply within 10 days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51