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Departmental Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 June 2021

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Questions (498)

Imelda Munster


498. Deputy Imelda Munster asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if she will provide a breakdown of headings (details supplied) of the additional core funding provided in Budget 2021; and the amount of funding that was allocated, spent and carried over. [31062/21]

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The gross total allocation for my Department in 2021 €1,081,818,000. Details of all allocations are set out by programme area and by subhead in the Revised Estimates Volume 2021 (REV2021) published by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform on its website at

REV2021 allocations recognise the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the sectors under the aegis of my Department as well as the impact of BREXIT – they also reflect the commitments contained in the Programme for Government – Our Shared Future . However, there is no specific categorisation of funding allocations within programme areas other than by subhead.

Details of any unspent capital monies in 2020 carried over into 2021 are also outlined in REV2021, together with the specifics of the areas in which the savings arose in 2020 and are being applied in 202 1.

Details of all expenditure by my Department and all Government departments are published by the Department of Finance on a monthly basis at:

Total gross expenditure for my Department to 31 May 2021 amounts to €273.68m. This figure is provisional as all expenditure within my Department's Vote is subject to an ongoing internal verification and monitoring process to ensure the best use of available financial resources. Adjustments may fall to be made between subheads as part of this process and all figures are subject to audit by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.

While it is too early to accurately forecast the full end of year outturn, I can advise that no significant savings are envisaged at present. All expenditure within my Department's vote will continue to be carefully monitored between now and year end to ensure the best use of available financial resources.
