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Departmental Communications

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 30 June 2021

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Questions (363)

Michael Lowry


363. Deputy Michael Lowry asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if officials in his Department were ever contacted by phone, letter, electronically, questioned formally or informally, under caution or asked to make a statement by An Garda Síochána in relation to milk quota racketeering in respect of a person (details supplied); if his Department is aware of this case; the efforts his Department has taken to assist the person; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35084/21]

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I am aware of certain issues spanning a significant period of time involving the persons named. These have been fully examined on a number of occasions by the Department. All such investigations have concluded that the issues raised, which were the subject of a Circuit Court adjudication in 2002, were of a private nature between the persons named and a third party. I wish to reiterate that the Department was not a party to the court proceedings and has no role in this matter.

No records of officials in the Department being contacted by the Gardaí in relation to this matter have been located on file in the Department.
