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Thursday, 15 Jul 2021

Written Answers Nos. 379-398

Vaccination Programme

Questions (379, 395, 418, 452)

Michael Ring


379. Deputy Michael Ring asked the Minister for Health when persons aged between 60-69 can expect to receive their second dose of a vaccine (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32520/21]

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Alan Kelly


395. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Health if an alternative MRNA vaccine will be made available for those in the 50-69 age cohort if a vaccine (details supplied) is not available within an eight week period for the second dose of the vaccine; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32796/21]

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Martin Kenny


418. Deputy Martin Kenny asked the Minister for Health the position for persons aged over 60 receiving the second dose of a vaccine (details supplied); if the time between vaccines will be reduced from 12 weeks; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32854/21]

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Brendan Griffin


452. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Health if he will address a matter regarding Covid-19 vaccinations (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33136/21]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 379, 395, 418 and 452 together.

On 4 June I announced a shorter interval between doses for the Vaxzevria® (AstraZeneca) vaccine. This follows updated recommendations from the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC), which have been endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer. NIAC has concluded that those of any age (without any previous COVID-19 infection), who have received their first dose of Vaxzevria® should receive their second dose 8-12 weeks later.The HSE recently received updated advice from NIAC in relation to reducing the dosing interval for the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine from 12 weeks to 8. Extensive planning has been required to put in place a programme that will now see the remaining, approximately 450,000 people, in receipt of the AstraZeneca vaccine fully immunised through the administration of this second dose and it is expected to be substantially completed by 19 July.

Mental Health Services

Questions (380)

Mark Ward


380. Deputy Mark Ward asked the Minister for Health the status of the petition submitted to Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People from this Deputy in 2020 on behalf of a person (details supplied) calling for 24/7 access to emergency mental health care; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32530/21]

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Budget 2021 saw an additional €50 million allocated to Mental Health Services, bringing the total 2021 mental health budget to in excess of €1.1 billion, which is the biggest mental health budget on record. This represents an increase of over €400 million since 2012. The Government is committed to further development of all aspects of our mental health services, in line with our current policy Sharing the Vision - A Mental Health Policy for Everyone.

To plan for the ongoing and increasing need for mental health services, including 24/7 mental health care, the refreshed national mental health policy, Sharing the Vision, was published in June 2020. This policy sets out a 10-year plan for our services that addresses the needs of the population though a focus on the requirements of the individual. This policy was developed following a process of research into international innovation and best practice in mental health and an extensive national consultation of over 1,000 service users, family members, friends and carers and other stakeholders.

As our mental health effects and contributes to our overall health and wellbeing, it is only right that this refreshed policy is very closely aligned with Sláintecare, our ten-year roadmap to transform our health and social care services, and shares the Sláintecare vision of the right care in the right place at the right time.

Moreover, Sharing the Vision recognises that mental health is not a matter for the health sector alone. It sits in a much broader context of how society views mental health and how decisions can be made right across the spectrum of relevant public services to invest in the mental health and wellbeing of the population. Good mental health for the population of Ireland cannot be achieved without a whole-of-government approach. Consequently, implementation will be characterised by substantial cross departmental engagement.

Sharing the Vision seeks to create additional access routes to treatment and to work in partnership with service users and their families to ensure that service users have timely access to supports. The policy contains recommendations with regards alternative access routes to emergency care and proposes out-of-hours crisis cafés as a new referral option.

Additionally, the policy is aligned to and supports additional roll out of online mental health service provision accelerated by the advent of Covid 19, including initiatives such as:

- The national Crisis Text-Line, a voluntary, clinically supported texting service, free and available 24/7, which provides immediate support for people going through a mental health or emotional crisis;

- Availability of free online and face to face counselling;

- The new CAMHS Connect telepsychiatry service for HSE West which is expected to be rolled out nationally and which will pave the way for enhanced care provision for children and young people, ranging from presentations in Emergency Departments to more regular monitoring after crisis episodes. CAMHS Connect will improve access, reduce waiting times and address some staff recruitment and retention issues;

- The website provides a ‘one-stop-shop’ portal for people seeking information, supports and services, including information on accessing urgent help. 

Out of hours crisis supports will be enhanced in line with Sharing the Vision and commitments set out in the HSE National Service Plan 2021. Funding has been allocated in 2021 for crisis resolution teams, crisis or community cafes, and CAMHS telehealth hubs.

Moreover, following investment from the Programme for Government Funding 2017, additional funding was obtained for the development of a model within all Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) areas for the provision of extended seven-day mental health services within general adult services.

Prior to the pandemic most Community Mental Health Teams provided some form of seven day week service, this is still in place and available for existing mental health service users in a blended format in compliance with COVID-19 restrictions.  Online supports are also available from and through NGO partners, who can offer information and support via text, phone or video.

If a person is in crisis they are strongly recommended to contact the out-of-hours GP or attend the local emergency department where they will be seen by a mental health professional for appropriate assessment.  The textline 50808 also offers 24/7 anonymous support by trained counsellors.

The outbreak of COVID-19 throughout the world is a source of significant stress and anxiety for many people. The Department of Health and the HSE continue to work with clinicians, healthcare providers and NGO’s to promote positive mental wellbeing and provide services and interventions for those experiencing poor mental health.  In addition to maintaining existing services, the HSE delivers and funds a wide range of mental health and psychosocial support services including online training, counselling and national health and wellbeing promotion initiatives. Psychosocial management teams in each HSE region have expanded services and continue to provide all community services, in so far as possible, while following COVID-19 guidelines to ensure the protection of service users and staff. 

The Deputy will appreciate that there has been a significant increase in the workload of the Department recently, and consequently there has been some delay in responding to representations.  A reply will issue directly in relation to the petition received from the individual concerned.

Disability Services

Questions (381)

Paul Murphy


381. Deputy Paul Murphy asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the lack of follow-up physiotherapy for stroke survivors in Tallaght University Hospital; if his attention has been further drawn to the fact that patients who had been receiving daily physiotherapy sessions while staying in hospital have found themselves with no physiotherapy support provided when they are discharged leaving them with no other option but privately paid physio at a cost of €70 per half hour; and if his Department will be providing these facilities given that this service is vital to the progress for stroke survivors to lead a relatively independent life. [32540/21]

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As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Departmental Inquiries

Questions (382)

Emer Higgins


382. Deputy Emer Higgins asked the Minister for Health the status of the establishment of an inquiry into the historical licensing and prescribing of sodium valproate to treat epilepsy. [32552/21]

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Details of the proposed inquiry into the historical licensing and use of sodium valproate in Ireland are currently being considered by officials within the Department of Health.

Health Services Staff

Questions (383)

Emer Higgins


383. Deputy Emer Higgins asked the Minister for Health the status of the four currently unfilled epilepsy nurse specialist posts approved in 2018 to manage the mandatory patient safety requirements for women who are prescribed sodium valproate. [32553/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. 

The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Hospital Appointments Status

Questions (384)

Michael Healy-Rae


384. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Health the status of a procedure for a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32554/21]

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As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Question No. 385 answered with Question No. 326.
Question No. 386 answered with Question No. 326.

Home Help Service

Questions (387)

Robert Troy


387. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Health if personal assistance hours which have been approved will be put in place for a person (details supplied). [32563/21]

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As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Question No. 388 answered with Question No. 340.

Health Services Staff

Questions (389)

Michael Healy-Rae


389. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Health if there are employment opportunities in County Kerry for audiologists; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32570/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Question No. 390 answered with Question No. 340.
Question No. 391 answered with Question No. 340.

Hospital Appointments Status

Questions (392)

Denis Naughten


392. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be called for their surgical procedure; the reason for the delay in same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32576/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (393)

Seán Haughey


393. Deputy Seán Haughey asked the Minister for Health if he will ease Covid-19 restrictions in order that third-level university exchange students can undertake their required face-to-face interviews in foreign embassies located in Dublin; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32794/21]

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As the Deputy will be aware, on 29 June, Government announced the next phase of reopening the economy and society in line with Recovery and Resilience: The Path Ahead. While significant progress is being made in relation to the roll-out of our vaccination programme and the position had been broadly stable over the earlier part of June, the prevalence of the more transmissible Delta variant is rapidly increasing in Ireland and this poses a significant risk, in particular to those who are not yet fully vaccinated. For this reason, a number of higher risk indoor activities will not recommence as planned on 5 July, pending the implementation of a system to verify vaccination or immunity status.

Embassy operations and visa processing are a matter for relevant country authorities.

Significant and sustained progress has been made on suppressing the virus over recent months due to the huge effort of people across the country. By working together, we have saved lives and limited the impact of the disease on society in Ireland. To protect the gains of recent months we must continue to practice basic preventative behaviours and to follow public health guidelines.

Hospital Facilities

Questions (394)

Alan Kelly


394. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Health the status of the location identified for the new multidisciplinary early intervention and respite care centre (details supplied) for children with complex additional needs within the grounds of St. Otteran's Psychiatric Hospital, Waterford; if, as circumstances allow, he will visit the proposed site with representatives of a charity with a view to progressing the development which was included in the HSE Capital Plan for 2021; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32795/21]

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Funding has been allocated in the 2021 Capital Programme to appoint a design team  for the proposed disability centre at St Otteran’s on the Saint John’s Hill campus.  The generous contribution of €1m from the Touching Hearts Foundation has been included in the detail of the project. 

Subject to continued funding and progression through the Public Spending Code, a tender will be initiated. Once the design team is appointed, they will produce a programme for the works as part of their Stage 1 report.

Question No. 395 answered with Question No. 379.

Vaccination Programme

Questions (396)

Alan Kelly


396. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Health the status of the catch-up scheme for the HPV vaccine; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32797/21]

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The ages at which vaccines are recommended in the immunisation schedule are chosen by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) in order to give each child the best possible protection against vaccine preventable diseases.

As the HPV vaccine is preventative it is intended to be administered, if possible, before a person becomes sexually active, that is, before a person is first exposed to HPV infection.

Therefore, the gender-neutral HPV vaccination programme targets all girls and boys in their first year of secondary school to provide maximum coverage.

My Department will continue to be guided by the NIAC's recommendations on any emerging evidence on this issue in the future.

It is important to note that the schools-based immunisation programme for the 2019/2020 academic year has been completed and the uptake rates for the HPV vaccine in that academic year are 82% for the first dose of the vaccine and 77% for the second dose.

This is the highest uptake for the HPV vaccination programme since 2015/2016 and is particularly encouraging because it was the first year that boys were included in the programme and it shows that the provision of vaccine in community clinics did not adversely affect the uptake.

The programme for the academic year 2020/2021 was paused during the first few months of 2021 due to school closures and redeployment of staff to the COVID-19 immunisation programme.

The inputting of uptake information for the schools-based programme has also been delayed due to redeployment of administrative staff. However, Community Healthcare Organisations have reported that the vast majority of second level schools had their first dose of HPV vaccine delivered between October and December 2020.

The uptake rate for the first dose of the HPV vaccine, in the 2020/2021 academic year, is 67% as of the 12th May 2021, and this figure is expected to increase because data input on vaccine uptake is ongoing.

The HSE expects the HPV vaccination programme for 2020/21 to be substantially complete before the start of the 2021/22 academic year.

Departmental Advertising

Questions (397)

Alan Kelly


397. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Health the amount his Department and associated agencies have spent on social media advertising since the beginning of January 2021 until 12 June 2021; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32798/21]

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My Department spent €76,110.47 on social media advertising for the period of 1 January 2021 to 12 June 2021.

Departmental Expenditure

Questions (398)

Alan Kelly


398. Deputy Alan Kelly asked the Minister for Health the amount his Department has spent on social media content production since the beginning of January 2021 until 12 June 2021; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32799/21]

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My Department has spent €68,188 on social media content production for the period of 1 January 2021 to 12 June 2021.
