As you will be aware, the site at St Ita’s, Portrane, is very extensive and accommodates many protected structures and attractive buildings in an extensive demesne type landscape. I understand that a feasibility study of this site was completed jointly by Fingal County Council and the HSE in November 2013, to determine the optimal future sustainable use of this complex and to consider the development of new modern psychiatric health care and ancillary facilities having regard to the cultural, visual and ecological sensitivities of the site.
The objectives within the recently published Draft Fingal County Development Plan 2023-2029 seek to promote the use or reuse of all the Protected Structures at St. Ita’s Hospital complex and demesne with appropriate conservation and sustainable development, to secure the viable sustainable re-use of the complex into the future. The Council is working with the HSE and all key stakeholders to achieve this objective.
Fingal County Council has also been in on-going discussions with the HSE specifically regarding the refurbishment of the vacant residential units along Portrane Avenue. My Department and I are very supportive of such a proposal and has been in ongoing discussions with the Council in this regard.
On foot of an application from the Council seeking funding for the refurbishment/redevelopment of 12 vacant units for social housing at this location, my Department has recently issued Stage 1 approval-in-principle for the project. This will allow the Council to proceed to the next stage and undertake detailed condition surveys and site investigations to better inform the project costs and delivery timeline. My Department will continue to support the Council in progressing this project to completion.
Separately, my Department is engaging with local authorities and the HSE regarding vacant buildings that may be suitable for refurbishment or renovation as part of the Government’s response to the accommodation challenges posed by the situation in Ukraine. Parts of the St. Ita’s complex may also be considered for use in that context although no decision has been taken to date.