GPs are self-employed practitioners and therefore may establish practices at a place of their own choosing. Most GPs hold a GMS contract with the HSE for the provision of medical services without charge to medical card and GP visit card holders. Currently, there are 2,524 GPs contracted to provide services under the GMS Scheme and only 23 GMS vacancies as of the start of the year.
The Government has undertaken measures in recent years to increase the number of GPs practising in the State and thereby improve access to GP services across the country.
Under the 2019 GP Agreement additional annual expenditure provided for general practice has been increased now by €211.6m. This provides for significant increases in capitation fees for participating GMS GPs, and new fees and subsidies for additional services. Improvements to GP’s maternity and paternity leave arrangements and a support for GPs in disadvantaged urban areas, have also been provided for. In addition, the preexisting enhanced supports package for rural GP practices was increased by 10%.
The GP Agreement 2023, which provided for the expansions of GP care without charges to those who earn up to the median household income and to children aged 6 & 7, includes additional capacity supports to enable the expansion and retention of staffing within general practice. It includes additional supports for GP Out of Hours services also.
These measures help make general practice in Ireland a more attractive career choice for doctors and will see an increase in the number of GPs working in the State, improving access to GP services for patients throughout the country. Figures released by the ICGP show that 1,311 medical graduates applied for GP training in 2024, a notable increase on the previous year and higher than any other year.
The number of doctors entering GP training has been increased significantly in recent years, with 286 new entrants in 2023 and 350 places planned for new entrants for this year. Annual intake to the GP training scheme has been increased by over 80% from 2015 to 2023, and the number of new entrant places to be available this year is a 22% increase on last year's intake alone.
Furthermore, GP recruitment is ongoing under the joint non-EU GP Training Programme between the HSE and ICGP. 112 non-EU GPs were recruited last year under the training programme and it is planned to recruit up to 250 more non-EU GPs to Ireland this year.
My Department and the HSE have commenced a Strategic Review of General Practice. The review, with input from key stakeholders, is examining the broad range of issues affecting general practice, including issues related to GP capacity, and when completed will set out the measures necessary to deliver a more sustainable general practice into the future. In particular this will include consideration of mechanisms to attract GPs to rural and urban deprived areas.