A number of parliamentary inquiries have been conducted by the Houses of the Oireachtas since the foundation of the State. The reports of these parliamentary inquiries have been laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas.
On this page you will find links to the reports of the parliamentary inquiries. Some of these files are very large and may take some time to download. This is because they are archive quality, high resolution scans of the original documents laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas.
Banking inquiry
Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis
The Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis was established in November 2014 to inquire into the reasons Ireland experienced a systemic banking crisis. The committee published its final report on 27 January 2016. Full information including the final report is available on the archived website.
Abbeylara inquiry
Tribunal of Inquiry into the Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Fatal Shooting of John Carthy at Abbeylara, Co. Longford on 20 April 2000
On 20 April 2000, Mr. John Carthy was shot dead by gardaí at Toneymore, Abbeylara, Co. Longford. The Minister for Justice referred the Garda Commissioner's report into the matter to the Houses of the Oireachtas, who referred the report to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights. The matter was considered first by the joint committee which then ordered a sub-committee to carry out a parliamentary inquiry. The tribunal published its report in 2006.
- Report of the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights on the Work of the Sub-Committee on the Abbeylara Incident, April 2002
- Report of the Tribunal of Inquiry into the Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Fatal Shooting of John Carthy at Abbeylara, Co. Longford on 20th April 2000, July 2006
Mini-CTC inquiry
Parliamentary Inquiry into the Iarnród Éireann Mini-CTC Signalling Project
The matter was considered first by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Public Enterprise and Transport, which ordered a sub-committee to carry out a parliamentary inquiry. Following the judgement of the High Court in the case of the parliamentary inquiry into the Abbeylara Incident, the sub-committee adjourned its hearings on 27 November 2001.
DIRT inquiry
Investigation into the Administration of Deposit Interest Retention Tax and Related Matters during the period 1 January 1986 to 1 December 1998
On 17 December 1998, Dáil Éireann requested the Comptroller and Auditor General to examine and investigate the assessment and collection of deposit interest retention tax (DIRT) by financial institutions and the Revenue Commissioners, including any use of bogus non-resident accounts in the period 1 January 1986 to 1 December 1998, and related matters.
The Comptroller and Auditor General's report was published on 19 July 1999. The Committee of Public Accounts published an examination of Comptroller and Auditor General's report on 3 April 2001.
Judicial appointments inquiry
Sub-Committee of the Select Committee on Legislation and Security
On 15 December 1994 the Select Committee on Legislation and Security established a sub-committee to inquire into the events of 11 to 15 November 1994. The sub-committee met nine times in January and February 1995 and reported to Dáil Éireann on 28 February 1995.
Arms crisis inquiry
Northern Ireland relief expenditure inquiry 1971-1972
On 1 December 1970, Dáil Éireann ordered that the Committee of Public Accounts should examine specially the expenditure of the grant-in-aid for Northern Ireland relief issued from Subhead J, Vote 16 (Miscellaneous Expenses) for 1969-1970 and any moneys transferred by the Irish Red Cross Society to a bank account into which moneys from this Vote were or may have been lodged. The committee published its report in August 1972.
Mining rights inquiry
Dáil Select Committee on the Demise of Certain State Mining Rights 1935-1936
On 25 June 1935, Dáil Éireann ordered the establishment of a select committee to investigate allegations made by Deputy P. McGilligan about the demise of state mining rights in Co. Wicklow and the granting of leases, by the Minister for Industry and Commerce, to two other members of the Oireachtas at a time when other parties were proposing to seek a demise of the same rights on terms more advantageous to the state.
Online archive of committee reports (1922-2007)
Some of the reports alluded to above are available in a text format in an online archive.