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Heads of bill on VECs will be considered by Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education in the Autumn

27 Jul 2011, 14:06

The Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education has welcomed the decision by the Minister for Education and Skills to forward the heads of bill on the Vocational Education Committees for consideration by members of the Committee in the Autumn.

Following a meeting today with officials from the Department of Education and Skills to discuss the proposals on the amalgamation of VECs and educational agencies, Chairman of the Committee Deputy Damien English said: “Officials are working on the preparation of new legislation that will through one bill bring together the provisions of the existing nine Vocational Acts. The objective is to have heads of bill for approval by the Government in the Autumn and the Minister has indicated that it is his intention to provide the heads to this Committee for its consideration. This is a very welcome development and will allow members of the Committee to provide meaningful input into the legislation, make observations and suggestions before the bill comes before the Dáil and Seanad.”

For further information please contact:

Ciaran Brennan,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3903
M: 086-0496518
F: +3531 618 4551

Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education


Damien English, TD (Chairman)
Ray Butler, TD
Áine Collins, TD
Joan Collins, TD
Michael Conaghan, TD
Barry Cowen, TD
Seán Crowe, TD
Tom Fleming, TD
Brendan Griffin, TD
John Halligan, TD
Seán Kyne, TD
Anthony Lawlor, TD
John Lyons, TD
Nicky McFadden, TD
Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, TD
Aengus Ó Snodaigh, TD
Willie O’Dea, TD
Brendan Ryan, TD
Brendan Smith, TD
Peadar Tóibín, TD


Deirdre Clune,
John Kelly,
Michael Mullins,
Marie Louise O’Donnell,
Averil Power,
Feargal Quinn.


