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Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality to hear from various groups on the issues of Forced Labour and Domestic Abuse

3 Oct 2011, 11:09

Representatives from groups and organisations dealing with the issues of Forced Labour and Domestic Abuse will meet with the Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality, on Wednesday 5 October 2011.

Committee Chairman, David Stanton TD said “I very much welcome this opportunity to hear first hand from the various interest groups on what would appear to be an increase in the number of cases of Forced Labour and Domestic Abuse. Recent media reports revealed alarming statistics regarding the number of women who could not be accommodated in domestic violence refuges. The committee will avail of this opportunity to hear from the various groups as to how we as a country can proceed to raise our refuge capacity as recommended by the Council of Europe. Every other day we hear anecdotal and actual evidence of forced labour among the workforce. This meeting will enable the Committee to make meaningful and considered suggestions for improving the rights of workers and in particular the rights of migrant workers.

The meeting will commence at 9.30 a.m. in Committee Room 2, LH 2000 and the following groups will make submissions; Representatives from Women’s Aid; Migrant Rights Centre; Immigrant Council of Ireland; Safe Ireland and Akidwa.
Committee proceedings can be followed live at:


For further information please contact:

Verona Ní Bhroinn
Press and Public Relations Officer,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2.

Phone 01- 618 3881, mobile 087 2624132

Committee Membership:

Michael Creed, Fine Gael                               
David Stanton, Fine Gael, Chair                            
Billy Timmins, Fine Gael                                
Tom Hayes, Fine Gael                                       
Dara Calleary, Fianna Fáil                                
Seán Kenny, Labour Party                                        
Joanna Tuffy, Labour Party, Vice -Chair
Jonathan O’Brien, Sinn Féin
Finian McGrath, Independent    

Paul Bradford, Fine Gael
Rónán Mullen, Independent
Denis O’Donovan, Fianna Fáil
Ivana Bacik, Labour Party
Martin Conway, Fine Gael        


