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Clarification on the Payment of the Parliamentary Standard Allowance

4 Jul 2012, 18:21

The Houses of the Oireachtas Service (the Service) has (today) Wednesday, 4th July received legal advice on the Travel and Accommodation Allowance.

The advice received reaffirms the view, as previously stated by the Service, that the specific travel aspects of this allowance are intended to support TDs in travel to and from Leinster House and their normal place of residence/constituency only.  Furthermore, for the purposes of the Act creating the Parliamentary Standard Allowance (the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act, 2009), of which the Travel and Accommodation Allowances is a composite part, the only specific travel allowances which were reckonable for TDs were those incurred travelling to and from Leinster House and within their constituency.

Members are obliged to apply allowances received in the manner provided for in the legislation only. In the normal way, members are required to reconcile and recompense, as appropriate, at the end of year certification process.

The allowance system for Members of the Oireachtas, including the Regulations under which the allowances are payable, is currently subject to a review within the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. The Joint Administration Committee of the Houses has been consulted as part of this review.


For further information please contact:

Cáit Hayes,

Communications Unit,

Leinster House,

Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3883

M: 087-9190300

F: +3531 618 4551
