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Department Officials to brief Committee on job creation and mortgage interest supplement schemes

1 Oct 2013, 16:21

The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection will tomorrow hear from Officials from the Department of Social Protection on the JobsPlus, Gateway and Mortgage Interest Supplement schemes.

1 October 2013  

The JobsPlus initiative is a new employer incentive which encourages and rewards employers who employ jobseekers on the Live Register, while Gateways programme is a Local Authority work placement scheme designed to provide short-term working opportunities for unemployed people. The Mortgage interest supplement provides short-term income support to eligible people who are unable to meet their mortgage interest repayments in respect of a house which is their sole place of residence.

Chair of the Committee Joanna Tuffy, TD says:  “Tomorrow's meeting is a valuable opportunity to raise with department officials the effectiveness of three key social protection schemes. The recently introduced JobsPlus and Gateway initiatives are innovative and practical attempts to boost job creation nationwide. We expect to hear from Department Officials on the levels of interest in each of the JobsPlus scheme, which was introduced in July to replace the Employer Job (PRSI) Exemption and Revenue Job Assist schemes. Under the Gateway scheme, county and city councils are to provide 3,000 part-time, short-term working opportunities for unemployed people and we will have an opportunity to hear how this is progressing.

\"Separate to these important job creation initiatives, Department Officials will brief the Committee on the Mortgage Interest Supplement scheme. Given the challenges faced by many households in meeting mortgage payments, this scheme aims to ease the financial burden and anxiety for families impacted by the recession nationwide.  The Committee is expected to be updated on the number of changes have been introduced to the scheme within the last 16 months.”

This meeting will take place at 1 pm tomorrow Wednesday 2 October in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000.

Committee proceedings can be followed live here.

Committee Membership

Deputy Joanna Tuffy - Chair

Deputies James Bannon, Ray Butler, Joan Collins, Clare Daly, Brendan Griffin , Jim Daly, Derek Keating, Charlie McConalogue, Nicky McFadden, Jonathan O’Brien, Willie O’Dea, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Aengus Ó Snodaigh, Brendan Ryan

Senators Terry Brennan, Jim D’Arcy,  Marie Moloney, Mary Moran, Averil Power, Marie-Louise O’Donnell
