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Agriculture Committee engages with Minister on Budget 2014

2 Oct 2013, 14:22

The Oireachtas Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine this morning discussed how best to safeguard the interests of agri-food sector and individual farm families in Budget 2014.

2 October 2013

Minister Simon Coveney TD was before the Committee for a briefing on the upcoming budget. His presence allowed the Committee explore the current budgetary challenges facing the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in 2014.

The Programme for Government stipulates that Committees examine Estimates on a whole-of-year basis, and this meeting forms part of that initiative.

Chairman of the Committee Andrew Doyle TD says: “At present, approximately €54 million in savings is being sought for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s budget in 2014. While the negotiations are yet to be finalised, this morning’s meeting was a valuable opportunity for our Committee to explore with the Minister how the impact on farm families of adjustments in the budget can be minimised.

“Committee Members raised concerns around long term viability of the suckler sector, pointing to the imperative of sustaining herd numbers. In response, the Minister said that he would push for supports  for suckler farmers that promote efficient production. While he cautioned that these supports would not dramatically change the business case for keeping sucklers, any scheme would be designed to send a signal which would boost farmer confidence in the sector.

“The Minister also outlined other cost pressures facing his Department, including those related to potential horse welfare issues that may arise in 2014. He noted that, following the horse meat scandal, the numbers of horses being slaughtered in Ireland had fallen dramatically, prompting concerns that provision for funding should be made by his Department on animal welfare grounds. Minister Coveney also outlined a range of measures on the taxation side with an eye to the Food Harvest 2020 targets, to maximise production and exports in the agrifood industry.”

View Committee Membership.

For further information please contact:
Paul Hand,
Communications Unit,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +353 1 618 4484
M: +353 87 694 9926
