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Oireachtas Committee to meet Minister for European Affairs

13 Nov 2013, 13:53

The Oireachtas Joint Committee on European Union Affairs will meet Minister of State with responsibility for EU Affairs Paschal Donohoe TD tomorrow Thursday 14 November at 2pm.

13 November 2013  

The Minister of State’s presence at the meeting will allow Committee Members to question him in advance of the upcoming meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC), to be held in Brussels at the end of this month.

Chairman of the Committee Dominic Hannigan TD says: “Our Committee meeting tomorrow is a valuable opportunity to explore Irish government policy with Minister Donohoe in advance of the key monthly General Affairs Council meeting. The GAC is expected to discuss the European Commission’s Work Programme for 2014, which was analysed by our Committee yesterday. The meeting in Brussels is also expected to prepare the ground for the European Council meeting of 19 and 20 December.”

The meeting takes place tomorrow Thursday 14 November at 2 pm in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. Committee proceedings will be followed here.

Media enquiries to:
Paul Hand,
Communications Unit,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +3531 618 4484
M: +353 87 694 9926

Committee Membership
Deputies: Eric Byrne, Seán Crowe, Timmy Dooley, Bernard J. Durkan, John Halligan, Dominic Hannigan (Chair), Seán Kyne, Dara Murphy (Vice-Chair) and Joe O’Reilly
Senators: Colm Burke, John Kelly, Terry Leyden, Catherine Noone and Kathryn Reilly
