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Budgetary Oversight Committee to discuss IFAC’s 2016 Fiscal Assessment Report

12 Dec 2016, 15:01

12 December 2016

The Committee on Budgetary Oversight will tomorrow meet with representatives of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (IFAC) to discuss the most recent Fiscal Assessment Report, following the announcement of Budget 2017.

The meeting will commence at 5.00pm in Committee Room 3 tomorrow, Tuesday, 13 December 2016.

Committee Chairman, John Paul Phelan TD, said “The Committee welcome the opportunity to hear about economic growth rates, the implementation of Ireland’s new budgetary framework, the state of the public finances, how prudent the overall package of measures were in Budget 2017 and IFAC’s opinion on current fiscal projections - amongst other things. This is an important meeting in light of how the Committee’s work is now focussing on the preparation of Budget 2018.”

“Our meeting with IFAC in September allowed us to consider their pre-Budget submission that looked at items such as the impact of Brexit, the sustainability of corporation tax receipts and the importance of the continued reduction of government debt. Tomorrow we can examine how IFAC, the independent body responsible for assessing Government performance in meeting its own stated budgetary targets, view the specific provisions of Budget 2017.”

Committee proceedings can be viewed live here.

Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the move, through the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.

