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Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence to hear from Minister Simon Coveney

8 Nov 2021, 18:00

The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence will meet tomorrow Tuesday, 09 November to get an update from Minister Simon Coveney on matters considered at meetings of the EU Foreign Affairs Council and at the United Nations Security Council.

The meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs will take place in Leinster House, Committee Room 2 at 4pm.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Committee Cathaoirleach Charlie Flanagan TD said: “The Joint Committee looks forward to hearing from the Minister in respect of matters raised at EU Foreign Affairs Council and at meetings of the of the UN Security Council.

“The Committee has considered a number of key issues including Climate and security and Women, Peace and Security and welcomes that these were priorities for Ireland during its Presidency of the UN Security Council in September.”

“Members look forward to being briefed on matters including the Middle East peace process, the military coup in Sudan, the ongoing conflict in Yemen, EU-Turkey relations, the unfolding situation in Afghanistan and engagement between the EU and the Gulf region.”

“Climate and Security is a key priority for Ireland during our UN Security Council tenure as we hold a leadership position on this issue as co-chair of the Council’s Informal Expert Group on Climate and Security for 2021, along with Niger. This meeting provides a timely opportunity to get an update from the Minister on Ireland’s contribution to the issue in light of the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow this week.”

Watch the meeting live here. 

Media enquiries

Áine McMahon
Houses of the Oireachtas
Communications Unit
Leinster House
Dublin 2

+353 (0) 1 618 3437
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Twitter: @OireachtasNews
