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Land Development Agency Act 2021

(Act 26 of 2021)
Land Development Agency Bill 2021 (Bill 11 of 2021)

Bill entitled an Act to regulate relevant public land in order to increase the amount of land available for the provision of housing so as to address deficiencies in the housing market; for that purpose to provide for the formation of a DAC to be known as the Land Development Agency and confer functions on the Agency to develop and regenerate relevant public land for the delivery of housing and to develop and manage housing on that and other land, including with other persons or bodies; to enable the Agency to provide services to local authorities in order to assist them in the performance of their functions relating to housing; to enable the Agency to form subsidiaries for the purposes of carrying out its functions; to provide for the establishment and maintenance by the Agency of a Register of Relevant Public Land to identify land that can be made available for housing; to provide for acquisition by the Agency of relevant public land, including by means of granting it first refusal on a proposed sale; to provide for the compulsory purchase of land by the Agency; to provide for a requirement that a proportion of dwellings provided on relevant public land and former relevant public land be made available at a price below market price; to amend the Planning and Development Act 2000 to enable the Agency to perform functions of a development agency under Part IX of that Act; to amend the National Treasury Management Agency (Amendment) Act 2014 and the Housing Finance Agency Act 1981; to provide for the revocation of the Land Development Agency (Establishment) Order 2018 (S.I. No. 352 of 2018), the Land Development Agency (Amendment) Order 2018 (S.I. No. 603 of 2018) and the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971 (Designation of Bodies) Order 2018 (S.I. No. 604 of 2018) and the transfer of functions, assets, liabilities and staff of the body established thereunder to the Land Development Agency; and to provide for related matters.

Last updated: 21 Jul 2021

Sponsored by: Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage;

Source: Government

Originating House: Dáil Éireann

History of this Act

The Bill has been signed into law by the President.

21 Jul 2021

  • Dáil First Stage

    3 Feb 2021

    Dáil First Stage

    The Bill is initiated or presented to the House

    3 Feb 2021


  • Dáil Second Stage

    17 Feb 2021

    Dáil Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    17 Feb 2021


  • Dáil Third Stage

    11 Mar 2021

    Dáil Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made

    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    11 Mar 2021


  • Dáil Fourth Stage

    17 Jun 2021

    Dáil Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered

    (Also known as Report Stage)

    17 Jun 2021


  • Dáil Fifth Stage

    30 Jun 2021

    Dáil Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made and it is set down for Second Stage in the Seanad

    (Also known as Final Stage)

    30 Jun 2021


  • Seanad First Stage


    Seanad First Stage

    The Bill is deemed to have passed Seanad First Stage



  • Seanad Second Stage

    30 Jun 2021

    Seanad Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    30 Jun 2021


  • Seanad Third Stage

    9 Jul 2021

    Seanad Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    9 Jul 2021


  • Seanad Fourth Stage

    12 Jul 2021

    Seanad Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
    (Also known as Report Stage)

    12 Jul 2021


  • Seanad Fifth Stage

    15 Jul 2021

    Seanad Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made
    (Also known as Final Stage)

    15 Jul 2021


  • Enacted

    21 Jul 2021


    The Bill is signed into law by the President

    21 Jul 2021



21 Jul 2021

Land Development Agency Act 2021

30 Jun 2021

As passed by Dáil Éireann

Land Development Agency Bill 2021

17 Jun 2021

As amended in Committee/Select Committee (Dáil Eireann)

Land Development Agency Bill 2021

3 Feb 2021

As initiated

Land Development Agency Bill 2021


15 Jul 2021

Report Stage

Numbered List [Seanad]

12 Jul 2021

Committee Stage

Numbered List [Seanad]

29 Jun 2021

Report Stage

Numbered List [Dáil]

24 May 2021

Committee Stage

Numbered List [Dáil]


12 Jul 2021

Seanad Éireann

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage

17 Jun 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

15 Jun 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

10 Jun 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

3 Jun 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

1 Jun 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

27 May 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage (Resumed)

25 May 2021

Select Committee On Housing, Local Government And Heritage

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Committee Stage

10 Mar 2021

Dáil Éireann

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed)

17 Feb 2021

Dáil Éireann

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Second Stage

17 Feb 2021

Dáil Éireann

Land Development Agency Bill 2021: Order for Second Stage
