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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Nov 1925

Vol. 13 No. 2


asked the Minister for Defence whether he has given consideration to the question of compensation to John Joseph Murphy, of Killenaule, Co. Tipperary, who was shot by National Army Troops on the 9th August, 1924; if a courtmartial was held on the officer in charge of the National Army Troops, and, if so, what was the result of the courtmartial; if any inquiry was held into the circumstances of the shooting, and, if so, what was the result of the inquiry; if he is aware that Murphy is still suffering from the effects of his wounds and will always be under a physical disability as a result of his wound, and is at present a burden on his parents, and that he has received no compensation of any kind from the Executive Council; and whether immediate steps will be taken to have Murphy compensated for the injuries which he received.

The question of awarding compensation to Mr. Murphy is at present under consideration and I hope to have it disposed of at an early date.

The circumstances in which Mr. Murphy met with his injuries have been the subject of court-martial proceedings against the military officer concerned. He was found not guilty of charges brought against him. The circumstances were also investigated by a Court of Inquiry. I regret that I am unable to disclose its findings. They are merely reports on a number of matters referred to it, and are not binding on me.

Is the Minister aware that this case was brought to his attention at least six months ago, that this young man is still suffering from the disability as a result of the shooting by the military, that he is dependent on his father, that the father is in a bad way financially, that it is an urgent case, and will the Minister take steps to have the matter immediately attended to?

I have told the Deputy so in the first part of my answer.
