asked the Minister for Justice if he is aware that District Justice O'Donohue has decided not to hold any more Courts in Listowel for want of accommodation; that the closing of this Court is causing serious inconvenience to many litigants throughout North Kerry, and whether suitable accommodation will be provided as soon as possible.
The position at Listowel is, I understand, that the Justice of the District Court has repeatedly stated that he is not satisfied with the accommodation supplied by the County Council, and he has now expressed his unwillingness to sit in Listowel again until better accommodation is provided. I have no doubt that if the Justice ceases to sit at Listowel inconvenience will be caused, but on the other hand, I do not see what his alternative is, if it is his considered opinion that the accommodation is unsuitable.
My Department has no powers as regards supplying accommodation; all the powers in that matter are vested in the County Council. I am, however, endeavouring, with the help of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, to make some arrangement which will tide over this difficulty until really suitable accommodation has been provided by the rebuilding of the old Courthouse.
Arising out of the Minister's answer, would he see, through the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, that the rebuilding of the courthouse is expedited?
If it is possible to expedite the rebuilding of the Courthouse it is obviously desirable.