asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he is aware that Michael Flanagan, Ballyheragh, Cloghans Hill P.O., Tuam, was granted an old age pension of 10/- per week by the Hollymount Sub-Committee last September; that an appeal was made by the pensions officer against the decision of the Sub-Committee which is still pending; that the claimant has complied with the requirements of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1932, and if he will state the cause of the delay in dealing with this appeal.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Old Age Pension Cases.
asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whether he is aware that the Kilkelly Sub-Committee in January last recommended that an old age pension at the rate of 10/- per week be paid to Michael Walsh, Aghamore, Ballyhaunis; that the pensions officer appealed against the decision of the Sub-Committee; that claimant has complied with the requirements of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1932, and if he will state when a decision will be given in this case.
asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state the cause of the delay in deciding the appeal against the decision of the Kilkelly Sub-Committee which recommended that an old age pension at the rate of 10/- per week be paid to Mrs. Mary Cox, of Carrowbawn, Kilkelly, and when a decision is likely to be given on this claim.
I wish to refer the Deputy to the reply given by me to similar questions on the 20th June last.