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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 12 Oct 1933

Vol. 49 No. 19

Standing Orders of Dáil Eireann. Amendments.

I move:

Go ndeintear Buan-Ordú I de Bhuan-Orduithe Dháil Eireann i dtaobh Gnótha Phuiblí do scriosadh amach agus an Buan-Ordú so leanas do chur ina ionad san:—

1.—(1) Beidh Rolla de Bhaill de Dháil Eireann ann, agus sighneoidh gach Teachta an Rolla san i láthair an Chléirigh roimh a shuidheachán do thógaint.

(2) Nuair a bheidh freagra faighte aige ar gach Rit a tugadh amach i gcóir Toghacháin Ghenerálta chun na Dála, cuirfidh an Cléireach in úil do sna Teachtaí uile a toghadh nách foláir dóibh bheith i láthair, chun forálacha míre (1) den Bhuan-Ordú so do chólíonadh, in áit a cheapfa sé agus ar lá (no laetheanta) ainmneoidh sé, agus beidh an lá (no na laetheanta) san roimh an dáta bheidh luaidhte i bhFurogra tionólta an Oireachtais.

That Standing Order No. 1 of the Standing Orders of Dáil Eireann relative to Public Business be deleted and the following Standing Order be substituted therefor:—

1.—(1) There shall be a Roll of Members of Dáil Eireann which shall be signed by every Deputy, before taking his seat, in the presence of the Clerk.

(2) When all the returns to Writs issued for a general election to the Dáil shall have come into his hands, the Clerk shall notify all Deputies returned that their attendance is required at a place appointed and on a day (or days) named by him, which day (or days) shall be prior to the date mentioned in the proclamation convening the Oireachtas, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Standing Order.

Amendment agreed to.
Ordered accordingly.

I move:—

Go ndeintear Buan-Ordú 125 de Bhuan-Orduithe Dháil Eireann i dtaobh Gnótha Phuiblí do leasú tré sna focail agus na figiúirí ‘Airtiogal 17 den Bhunreacht' do seriosadh amach as mír (4) agus tré sna focail agus na figiúirí ‘míre (1) de Bhuan-Ordú 1' do chur ina n-ionad san.

That Standing Order No. 125 of the Standing Orders of Dáil Eireann relative to Public Business be amended by the deletion of the words and figures ‘Article 17 of the Constitution' in paragraph (4) and the substitution therefor of the words and figures ‘paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 1.'


Ordered accordingly.
