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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 Jan 1934

Vol. 50 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - The Public Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1933.

asked the Minister for Finance if he will state whether any deduction has been made from any grant under Section 11 of the Public Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1933, from any local authority or from any committee or other body, the members of which are appointed wholly or partially by a local authority; and, if so, whether he will state the name of the local authority or other body from which such deduction was made, the amount of each such deduction, and the nature of the grant from which the deduction was made.

No deduction has been made under Section 11 of the Public Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1933, from any grant to a local authority, committee or other body for or in respect of services administered by or under the control of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, and it is not proposed to make a deduction from any such grant. Section 11 of the Public Services (Temporary Economies) Act will be applied only to the grants payable to vocational education committees and to county committees of agriculture. No deduction has yet been made under Section 11 from any grant payable to a vocational education committee or a county committee of agriculture. It is intended, however, to make a deduction from the grant payable to each such committee in the current financial year. This deduction will be made from the last instalment of the grant to the committee, which is to be paid before the 31st March next. I am not in a position to state what the amount of the deduction will be in the case of each committee.

Do we understand from the Minister that in respect of deductions which he proposes to make from those grants during the current financial year, reductions will be made in the amount of salaries paid to the employees or some of the employees of these bodies in respect of the current financial year?

I am not in a position to say that. I know deductions will be made from the grants. That is the question the Deputy asks.
