asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state (a) what was the retail price per 100 of Belgian and British asbestos slates before the imposition of a tariff by the Irish Free State Government; and (b) what is the present retail price of the British, Belgian and Irish asbestos slates per 100.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Slates.
I have no information as to the retail prices of asbestos. Retail prices would, of course, vary in different parts of the country. My Department is at the moment engaged in an investigation of the manufacturers' price of this commodity, and, until that investigation is completed, I am not in a position to make a statement even in respect of manufacturers' prices.
Is the Minister aware that builders' suppliers freely state that Belgian asbestos slates can be sold at 9/- per 100 cheaper than Irish-manufactured slates, with the same margin of profit for the Belgian slate as for the Irish slate?
I can only refer the Deputy to my reply.
Will the Minister release the report of the Prices Commission on building material? This is clearly holding up building. It is a very important matter, and strong representations have been made to me as to the price of asbestos slates.
I again refer the Deputy to my reply.
It is no reply.
What about the report of the Prices Commission? It has been held up. Why?