asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce whether he is aware that in certain States outside Saorstát Eireann diseases of the hands, bones and joints from the use of pneumatic drills and vasomotor disturbances arising from the same cause are scheduled as entitling workmen so suffering to compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, and whether he will cause inquiry to be made as to the desirability of bringing the schedule of our workmen's compensation legislation into conformity with this precedent.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Workmen's Compensation.
I am aware that in a few States outside Saorstát Eireann diseases of the muscles, bones and joints caused by work with pneumatic drills and other types of compressed air apparatus are scheduled as entitling the workmen so suffering to compensation under the workmen's compensation code. Inquiry is being made as to the desirability of bringing the Sixth Schedule of our Workmen's Compensation Act, 1934, into conformity with this precedent.