asked the Minister for External Affairs if the Irish Free State representative in Spain is still accredited to the Valencia Government, and if the Executive Council will decide to alter its attitude in reference to the position of the Irish Free State representative in Spain to the extent done by Great Britain.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Saorstát Representative in Spain.
The representative of Saorstát Eireann in Spain was never accredited to the Government at Valencia. As I have said on previous occasions, he was accredited in September, 1935, to the then Head of the Spanish State. Our diplomatic representative is in contact with General Franco's Government. There is therefore no need to send a representative in a different capacity. With the great majority of European States, we believe that in the existing conditions it is in the interests of general peace and peace in Spain to continue to adhere to the non-intervention policy.
May I ask for this item of information arising out of the Minister's reply: to whom is our representative accredited? What is the name of the head of the State to whom he is accredited?
Zana, I think, was the name of the Head. There has been no change at all.
All I want to know is the name.
There has been no change, at any rate.