asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that labourers' cottages erected in the Kinvara district, County Galway, in May, 1936, have not yet any dividing or enclosing walls erected in their regard, and that in consequence the plots could not be used as gardens during the years 1936 or 1937, and if he will take steps to have the matter remedied.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Galway Labourers' Cottages.
I am informed by the Galway Board of Health and Public Assistance that the plots attached to the labourers' cottages erected at Kinvara are enclosed by a stone wall boundary fence. The individual plots were lockspitted shortly after the tenants went into occupation, and I am also informed that if the tenants so desired there was nothing to prevent them from having the plots cultivated during the past two seasons. The board have now entered into a contract for the erection of gates and piers and general repair work to the boundary fences, and it is expected that the work will be completed within the next two months.
Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that division of plots was a work always undertaken and carried out by the various boards of health who built the cottages, and will he take steps to see that his Department is properly informed as to the position of the enclosing wall?
The board has actually accepted a tender for the work.
For the dividing wall?