asked the Minister for Agriculture if in view of the extra expense to which farmers are made liable by the operation of the Agricultural Wages Order, which enforces the payment of increased wages and extra pay for Sunday work, and also considering the present excessive cost of feeding stuffs, he will consider the advisability of providing such a bounty for stallfed cattle as will encourage farmers to finish their cattle instead of selling them off as stores.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Agricultural Wages Order.
I have come to the conclusion that the scheme for the payment of a bounty on exports of fat cattle which was in operation earlier this year was not wholly justified by the results, and I have been unable, so far, to devise a more satisfactory scheme. I have, consequently, come to no decision as to the renewal of a bounty on fat cattle this season.
I am sure the Minister is aware that the farmers who go in largely for tillage farming always buy their cattle in the autumn. The fact that the British Minister is giving a bounty on home-fed cattle increases the price of cattle bought for stallfeeding by approximately £2 a head. I am sure the Minister will see his way to help the tillage farmer to continue the old custom of stallfeeding in the County Wexford.