asked the Minister for Defence if he will state (1) what arrangements have been made for the laundry work previously performed by the Dublin District Laundry, Parkgate, Dublin, which was closed down on the 31st December last; (2) if a decision has yet been arrived at regarding the payment of gratuities to the laundry staff disemployed as a result of the closing down of the Parkgate laundry; if so, if he is in a position to announce the amount of the gratuity to be paid to each former employee of the Army laundry; and, if not, whether a decision in the matter will be expedited.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Army Laundry.
(1) The laundry work previously performed by the Dublin District Laundry, Parkgate, Dublin, is now being carried out by contract entered into on a competitive basis with a Dublin laundry firm. (2) The question of the payment of gratuities to the disemployed staff is still under consideration. Every effort is being made to have a decision in the matter expedited.
Arising out of the Minister's reply, can the Minister say when he will be able to arrive at a decision?
As quickly as possible. We are trying to get the matter expedited.