asked the Minister for Defence whether he has received the application of James Rice, Moys, Castleshane P.O., County Monaghan, for a military service pension under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934; and, if so, when this man may expect to learn what decision has been reached in his case.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Monaghan Military Pension Claims.
An application for a service certificate under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, has been received from Mr. James Rice, Moys, Castleshane, County Monaghan, and has been referred for report to the referee. As the referee has not yet reported to me, I am not in a position to state when a decision will be communicated to Mr. Rice.
Can the Minister say now long it is since the application from Mr. Rice was received in his Department?
I have not got that information here.
asked the Minister for Defence whether he has received the application of Peter Gartland, Cornacarrow, Laragh P.O., County Monaghan, for a military service pension under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934; and, if so, when this man may expect to learn what decision has been reached in his case.
An application for a service certificate under the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934, has been received from Mr. Peter Gartland, Cornacarrow, Laragh P.O., County Monaghan, and has been referred for report to the referee. As the referee has not yet reported to me, I am not in a position to state when a decision will be communicated to Mr. Gartland.
Does the Minister happen to have with him here the date on which that application wa received?
Is the Minister that in both those cases there has been a delay of several years, and will the Minister bear that matter in mind with a view to having those matters expedited?
The referee is doing his utmost to have them speeded up.
Some of those cases have been outstanding for four years.