asked the Minister for Lands whether he has considered the acquisition for forestry purposes of the land available in the townland of Slievebawn, in the parish of Killane, in County Wexford; and, if so, when he proposes to acquire it.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Land for Forestry Purposes.
An offer of 150 acres of land in the townlands of Slievebawn and Killane has been received and also some other offers of small areas of poor quality. The plantable portion, however, has been found to be so small as not to justify the formation of a new forest centre. Extensive inquiries have been made as to the possibility of acquiring the adjoining lands of Blackstairs commons and Bantry commons, but a large number of tenants exercise grazing rights over these commons and the majority of them are not prepared to dispose of their rights. The question of establishing a forestry centre in the district will be reopened if there should appear to be a real possibility of obtaining sufficient plantable ground.
Could the Minister give any indication as to what, in his judgment, would represent a plantable block of ground in that area?
Mr. Boland
The least area that would justify the formation of a forestry centre would be 300 acres of plantable land. It would not want to be contiguous.
Is the Minister aware that this land presents peculiar advantages, being the type of mountainy land to which commonage usually attaches in this country, but which in this case is held in fee, and free from commonage, and in that regard affords the Minister an opportunity of carrying out experimental work?
Mr. Boland
The matter has been examined and turned down, as the whole 150 acres is not plantable or sufficient to justify a new centre, but if there happened to be in the centre, and within easy reach, other land suitable, the Land Commission will keep an eye on the place. If they can get more land in the area suitable they will deal with it.
Would the Minister be good enough to see that the matter will be looked into further?
Mr. Boland