asked the Minister for Supplies whether he will state the reason why rubber Wellington footwear has not been obtainable from the manufacturers for the past two months.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rubber Footwear.
I am informed that the existing shortage of rubber Wellington boots is due largely to an unprecedented and entirely unforeseen demand which has arisen within the past few months. The sales for the eleven months to 30th November of this year were, it appears, higher by 30 per cent. than those during the same period of 1938. I understand that the manufacturers are making arrangements to increase their productive capacity and it is anticipated that the present shortage will disappear early in the new year.
Can the Minister say if these boots are made solely by Dunlops in Cork? Have they the market solely in this country?
I think so. I am not sure if there are any other firms engaged in the manufacture of rubber Wellington boots.
Dunlops are the sole manufacturers in this country?
Does the Minister associate that state of affairs in his mind with the steadily increasing numbers of people who cannot afford to purchase leather boots now?
No, that state of affairs is due to the large orders by the Army authorities.
Will the Minister say if there was a similar scarcity of rubber Wellington boots last year?
Yes, due to the same cause.
Do I understand that the scarcity is due to the large orders placed by the Army authorities?
I did not say it was due entirely to the large orders placed by the Army authorities.
But that was the explanation?
That was not foreseen?
Not by the manufacturers.
Why were they not told?