asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that the Limerick District Mental Hospital Committee recently received tenders from contractors for the carrying out of repairs to roofs and the making of paths in that institution and, if so, whether he will state when sanction will be given to this much-needed work.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Repairs to Limerick Mental Hospital.
The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative.
I am in communication with the mental hospital committee and hope to be in a position to give a decision at an early date. I might mention as regards the resurfacing of roads and walks that approval was conveyed to a specification prepared for the works in 1937 and sanction was also given to the carrying out of the works by direct labour. The tenders recently sought are based on an altered specification to which approval was not sought before tenders were invited.