asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the freedom of the South of Ireland from foot and mouth disease, he will reopen the port of Waterford forthwith.
Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Port of Waterford.
I regret that the disease position is still such that it is essential to restrict the movement of animals over a wide area, which includes districts from which fat stock for shipment via Waterford Port would be drawn at this season. I am keeping the matter under review and will raise with the British Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries the question of the resumption of shipments as soon as the situation justifies such a course.
Has the Minister given consideration to the desirability of relieving the position of people in areas within a radius of 15 miles outside the affected area, so as to allow them to take their cattle across the road to other farms? At present they have not permission to do so and I think that restriction is a little bit too drastic.
I hope before the end of this week to be able to release a certain amount of the scheduled area from severe restrictions.
Do not be in too great a hurry.