asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state with reference to the operation of the 1942-43 Compulsory Tillage Order (a) the number of prosecutions instituted by his Department; (b) the number of convictions obtained; (c) the maximum fine imposed; (d) the average fine imposed; and (e) the number of imprisonments, if any.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tillage Order: Prosecutions and Convictions.
The present position regarding prosecution of occupiers of land for failure to comply with the 1942-43 tillage Order is as follows:— (a) 73 cases have, so far, been referred to Chief State Solicitor for prosecution; (b) a conviction has been obtained in each of the four cases, heard to date; (c) the maximum fine imposed has been £15; (d) the average fine imposed has been £5 2s. 6d.; (e) in no case has imprisonment been imposed.