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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Apr 1944

Vol. 93 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Petrol Allowances for State Cars.

asked the Minister for Supplies if he will indicate if his Department have adopted any steps to ensure that the allowances of petrol granted for State cars and officers of the State in discharge of their duties are not in any way abused by the recipients of such allowances; and if he can state if any complaints have been made to him in the matter.

The conditions under which allowances of petrol are granted for State cars and to officers of the State in the discharge of their duties are rigidly enforced. In a few cases where investigation revealed that these conditions were being abused, suitable action was taken.

Is the Minister aware that the general public are very uneasy about the amount of petrol that has been allocated for State purposes? Is he aware that members of the Government have attended G.A.A fixtures in State cars? Is the Minister aware that the Taoiseach even used a State car to attend Mass in the ProCathedral? I am of opinion—and I ask the Minister is he aware—that the general public are very uneasy when they see tram services and bus services available and the transport facilities not being used by Ministers of State with a view to economy in petrol?
