asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he will state (a) the amount of the export bounty paid to tomato growers by the Dutch Government, and (b) the price per pound paid for Dutch tomatoes by the consumers in Holland.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dutch Tomatoes.
I am informed that no export bounty is paid by the Dutch Government to tomato growers. I have no official information as to the retail price paid for Dutch tomatoes by consumers in Holland, but I have been informed by a reliable observer recently returned from a visit to that country that tomatoes were on offer retail at prices as low as 8d. per lb.
asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware that Dutch tomatoes are being imported in far greater quantities than ever before, resulting in the Irish producers being forced to sell at an uneconomic price; and, if so, whether he proposes taking any action to remedy the position.
I am aware that considerable quantities of Dutch tomatoes have been recently imported. It is, however, my policy to ensure that tomatoes shall be available to all sections of the community at reasonable prices. In the circumstances, it is not my intention to impose any restrictions, other than the duty at the rate of 2d. per lb., on the importation of Dutch tomatoes until such times as I am fully convinced that, home producers are unable to dispose of their crops economically. Judging from the prices at which home-grown tomatoes are being retailed this point is as yet far from being reached.
Is the Minister aware that, while home-grown tomatoes are being retailed at from 1/8 to 2/- a lb., the growers are receiving prices ranging from 6d. to 10d. per lb.? Does he not agree that this indicates that the people who are doing least of all in the production of what has become an essential food are gaining a great deal more profit from it than the primary producers? Does he not agree that a price of from 6d. to 10d. per lb. is not an economic price for native growers?
I think the Deputy will sympathise with me in my reluctance to enter the jungle of vested interests concerned in the distribution of tomatoes. I understand, however, that the growers did promote a producer-consumer market where they would retail direct to the consumer. If the tomato growers of North County Dublin are finding themselves unjustly treated by the distributive interests, surely the Deputy will agree with me that their remedy lies in the active prosecution of the consumer-producer market.