asked the Minister for Lands when it is proposed to divide the land on the Jackson estate, Killooley, Kilcormac, Offaly, amongst local deserving applicants.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Division of Offaly Estate.
The Land Commission have no proceedings for the acquisition of these lands.
Will the Minister undertake to have these lands inspected with a view to acquisition?
I will ask the Land Commission to do so.
There is no need to ask them—instruct them to do it.
If I had the power that the Deputy suggests I have, I would not be asking them. This is a reserved function of the Land Commissioners.
asked the Minister for Lands if he will state when it is proposed to divide the lands of the Clavin estate, Derrydonnelly, Kilcormac, Offaly, amongst the local people.
The Land Commission have no proceedings for the acquisition of these lands.
Will you have these lands inspected?
I will ask the Land Commission.
You had better lose no time in doing so.