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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 3 Apr 1952

Vol. 130 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Chantilly Stud Farm.

asked the Minister for Local Government if he has received a copy of a resolution adopted by the housing committee of the Dublin County Council at its meeting on the 26th March, 1952, concerning the acquisition of portion of the lands at Chantilly Stud Farm, Shankill; and, if so, if he has any observations to make on the matter.

I received a copy of this resolution on Monday last and on Tuesday I communicated its terms to the Minister for Finance for his consideration.

Will the Minister ask his colleague, the Minister for Finance, to give a speedy decision on the matter?

I do not mind asking a colleague to make a speedy decision but I have to assume in this instance that there are delays that the colleague must have to contend with.

This matter has been dragging on for a considerable length and surely it should be possible at this stage to get a decision one way or the other, so that the housing committee of the Dublin County Council can proceed with the acquisition of alternative sites if necessary.

I shall try to get a decision as quickly as possible but I know that there were difficulties in the way on a previous occasion.
