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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Apr 1952

Vol. 131 No. 1

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business as on the Order Paper, No. 7; it is proposed to interrupt the discussion on No. 7 to take Nos. 11 and 10 between 6 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. At the latter hour the debate on No. 7 will be resumed.

Can the Minister tell us when the Housing (Amendment) Bill will be circulated?

At a very early date.

We were promised it by to-day. We will keep on asking every day, until it comes. Can the Minister state what is the suggested arrangement for the rest of the week?

The Dáil will meet on Wednesday as usual and on Thursday from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is hoped to conclude the debate on the General Financial Resolutions on Thursday.

The Dáil then will not meet on Friday?

With reference to the Minister's suggestion that it is hoped to conclude the discussion on the General Financial Resolutions on Thursday, can the House take it that does not imply that the Minister has any arrière pensée with regard to sitting on Friday.

No. We do not propose to sit on Friday.

Will the Minister say if that will be the position even if the discussion on the Budget Resolutions does not finish on Thursday?

I think this detailed discussion of the programme of the Dáil might better take place between the Whips. The general intention is to conclude, if we can, the debate on the General Resolutions on Thursday not later than 5 o'clock and not to meet on Friday if that can be avoided. That, again, is a matter for arrangement.

When the Minister says that it is the general intention to conclude the discussion on the General Resolution on the Budget on Thursday, he is speaking for himself, and possibly for the Government, but he is not speaking for the House which is dealing with the Resolutions. Is that not so?

I hoped that the House, as a businesslike assembly, would realise that it is of importance to complete the debate on the General Resolutions not later than Thursday so that we may get on to the Finance Bill. Again, I suggest that this is not a matter for discussion here. It can be arranged much better between the Whips.

May we take it we will not be prevented from discussing the heavenly benefits of the Budget next week?

I am glad that the Deputy for once realises that the benefits are as he has described them.
