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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 4 Nov 1959

Vol. 177 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Swimming Pools.


asked the Minister for Local Government what facilities exist in his Department by way of loan and grant for the erection of indoor and/or outdoor swimming pools; and if he will state the conditions attached to the grant of such facilities and the terms of loan repayment.

Contributions may be made from my Department's Vote towards loan charges incurred by sanitary authorities with my approval either in providing swimming pools themselves, or in making grants to local committees for their provision. The following general conditions apply:—

(a)Plans, specification and estimate of the work proposed for subsidy must be submitted in the usual way.

(b)In areas where water and sewerage schemes are required such schemes must have priority.

(c)The rate of contribution for each case will be determined individually having regard to the circumstances.

(d)In the case of pools provided by local committees satisfactory assurances as to maintenance must be forthcoming.

Loans may be issued from the Local Loans Fund in suitable cases, at the rate of interest obtaining at the date of issue. The maximum repayment period for such loans is 30 years.
