asked the Minister for Local Government whether he has available any assessment of the number of persons in need of rehousing in Clonmel, County Tipperary; and, if so, if he will state the number in need of rehousing and the total number of houses at present (a) planned and (b) under construction by the local authority.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Clonmel Housing.
Clonmel Corporation have 29 houses at present under construction.
The other information requested by the Deputy is not fully available in my Department. It has been requested from the housing authority and will be forwarded to the Deputy on receipt.
asked the Minister for Local Government the number of plans and specifications forwarded to his Department by the local authority in connection with the Quinn's Lane-Daniel's Lane, Heywood Road housing scheme in Clonmel, County Tipperary; the dates on which he received the various plans and specifications; the reasons why he refused to sanction any such plans or specifications; and the present position with regard to this housing scheme.
Layout, house-plan and specification, for a proposed housing scheme at Quinn's Lane—Heywood Road was received in my Department on 30th June, 1961. I was advised that the density of the scheme as proposed was rather high, that the back gardens of the houses were very short and that one of the new roads proposed was unnecessary. On 17th August, 1961, I suggested that the housing authority consider an alternative layout, the adoption of which would involve modification of the house-plan.
I have since received no further submission on this scheme from the housing authority who, I understand, are at present preparing plans for a revised scheme.