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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 5 Dec 1963

Vol. 206 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Underground Car Parks.


Mr. Ryan

asked the Minister for Local Government if, having regard to the need for additional car parking accommodation in urban areas and to the necessity of providing air raid shelters to protect people in the event of nuclear war, he will have steps taken in conjunction with the Department of Defence, to provide as soon as possible in urban areas, underground car parks which might be used as shelters in time of war.

On 18th January, 1962, I issued a circular letter to local authorities encouraging them to consider the provision of off-street car parks. The number, capacity and type of car parks to be provided and their siting are matters for consideration by the local authority in the first instance. I understand from the Minister for Defence that consideration is being given to the question of utilising peacetime structures as refuges from radioactive fall out in the event of war. Underground car parks provided for peace-time use would of course be considered in this connection.
