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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 24 Nov 1964

Vol. 213 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Collectors of Taxes.


asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware that the present proposed scheme of compensation of collectors of taxes whose office will be abolished on 31st December, 1964, is quite inadequate, particularly in the case of those in rural areas who do not receive so large a salary as the metropolitan collectors; and whether in view of the small number of persons involved and their considerable service to the State and of the fact that many of them are not in a position to avail themselves of the alternative employment offered them, he will now introduce a more generous scheme of compensation.

A scheme for the compensation and, in appropriate cases, re-employment of collectors of taxes has now been prepared in final form and I propose to present it shortly to both Houses of the Oireachtas. Meanwhile I do not wish to go into detail. I may say, however, that I have had a number of discussions with the persons concerned and I am satisfied that the terms proposed are quite generous.
