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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 9 Dec 1964

Vol. 213 No. 5

Private Members' Business. - Industrial Grants (Amendment) Bill, 1964: Committee Stage (Resumed).

Section 2 agreed to.
Section 3 agreed to.

I move amendment No. 4:

In page 2, line 8, after "Tionscal" to insert "and to make further provision in relation to grants by An Foras Tionscal for the enlargement or adaptation of industrial undertakings".

This amendment to the Long Title is consequential on amendments Nos. 1 and 2 which have already been accepted by the House.

Amendment agreed to.
Title, as amended, agreed to. Bill reported with amendments.

Pursuant to Standing Order No. 96, I have to report specially to the Dáil that the Committee has amended the Title to read as follows:

An Act to increase to thirty million pounds the aggregate amount of grants which the Minister for Industry and Commerce may make to An Foras Tionscal and to make further provision in relation to grants by An Foras Tionscal for the enlargement or adaptation of industrial undertakings.

Agreed to take remaining Stages today.
