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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 May 1965

Vol. 215 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Transport of Workers.


asked the Minister for Agriculture whether any employees of his Department or of State bodies under the aegis of his Department are provided with transport to convey them to their places of employment or are provided with monetary allowances to assist them in meeting the cost of such transport; and, if so, if he will give details thereof; and if he will approach the Dublin District Milk Board with a view to having assistance given to convey the Board's clerical workers to the AI station at Balgaddy, County Dublin.

Transport is provided to convey staff serving at the Veterinary Research Laboratory, Abbotstown, County Dublin, to and from the nearest bus terminus at Castleknock. In addition, six members of the technician staff of the laboratory, whom it was necessary to transfer from the city, receive a weekly allowance equivalent to the cost of the return bus fare between the city centre and Castleknock. Three further officers of my Department employed at certain rural centres are also paid allowances in exceptional circumstances towards the cost of transport between their residences and places of employment. I am informed that transport is not provided in the case of any employees of State bodies under the aegis of my Department nor is any monetary allowance paid.

As regards the final part of the question. I think that this matter can best be dealt with direct between the Board and its staff.
