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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 May 1968

Vol. 234 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Corporation Housing List.


asked the Minister for Local Government the number of persons currently on the Dublin Corporation housing list awaiting accommodation who are at present living (a) five or more persons in one room, (b) four persons in one room, (c) three persons in one room, and (d) two persons in one room.


asked the Minister for Local Government the number of persons on the Dublin Corporation housing list who are living in substandard dwellings and are at present awaiting accommodation.

I propose, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, to take Questions Nos. 14 and 15 together.

I understand from Dublin Corporation that at 31st December last the numbers of families on their approved waiting list for rehousing at present in the categories requested by the Deputy are: (a) 613; (b) 1,279; (c) 1,329; and (d) 24; that the numbers of persons, including children, in these categories are approximately: (a) 3,536; (b) 5,116; (c) 3,987; and (d) 48.

Precise information is not available in my Department regarding the number of persons on the approved waiting list who may be living in accommodation which could be regarded as substandard. I am informed, however, that 156 families, comprising 802 persons living in Keogh Square and Marshalsea Barracks, are included in the approved waiting list, together with 139 families, comprising 317 persons, living in unfit or dangerous dwellings.
